LITE Clock Drift
Time correction for LITE high rate data. Time correction was applied to LITE high rate
data obtained real-time during the mission.
1. Start with first recorded LITE time and GMT time:
LITE start time = 253/2:49:36.99
lite_start = 253.d0 * 86400.d0 + 2.d0 * 3600.d0 + 49.d0 * 60.d0 + 36.99d0
= 21869376.990 seconds
LITE end time = 262/5:44:19.19
lite_end = 262.d0 * 86400.d0 + 5.d0 * 3600.d0 + 44.d0 * 60.d0 + 19.19d0
= 22657459.190 seconds
lite_start - lite_end = 788082.20 seconds (lite_del)
GMT start time = 253/2:49:37.549
gmt_start = 253.d0 * 86400.d0 + 2.d0 * 3600.d0 + 49.d0 * 60.d0 + 37.549d0
= 21869377.549 seconds
GMT end time = 262/5:44:26.063
gmt_end = 262.d0 * 86400.d0 + 5.d0 * 3600.d0 + 44.d0 * 60.d0 + 26.063d0
= 22657466.063 seconds
gmt_start - gmt_end = 788088.514 seconds (gmt_del)
gmt_del - lite_del = 788088.514 - 788082.2
= 6.314 seconds
gmt_start - lite_start = 0.559
total time drift = 6.314 + 0.559
= 6.873 seconds
2. compute a scale factor to correct all time parameters (eds interrupt, ddhu interrupt, aoe interrupt).
scale_factor = 1.0 - (gmt_del/lite_del)
= 8.0118546d-06
3. For each time to correct, (for example, eds interrupt time)
eds_seconds = float(i_gdd)*86400.d0 + float(i_ehh)*3600.d0 + float(i_emm)*60.d0 + f_ess
eds_correction = ((eds_seconds - lite_start) * scale_factor) + .559
corrected_eds = eds_seconds + eds_correction
+ the initializing of the software timer.