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Profile Validity Status Document

Profile Valid Status Parameter Definition

The Profile Valid Status Parameter identifies Level 1 lidar profiles as begin valid, invalid, or questionable.

The value of this flag results from an "or" operation and contains the validity information for the lidar profiles for all three channels. The decimal value of this parameter ranges from 0 to 63 and must be unpacked to determine the validity status for each profile. Profiles may be flagged as both invalid and questionable.

The Profile Valid Status Parameter value is packed into a single word using the following individual validity values:

   0 = valid for all three wavelength lidar profiles,
   1 = 355 nm profile questionable,
   2 = 532 nm profile questionable,
   4 = 1064 nm profile questionable,
   8 = 355 nm profile invalid,
  16 = 532 nm profile invalid,
  32 = 1064 nm profile invalid.
The Profile Validity Flag Table contains a list of all possible valid, invalid, and questionable flag combinations and their decimal value equivalents.

Sample IDL code to extract information from the Profile Valid Status Parameter:

pro test_profilevalid

quest_355 = profilevalidstatus and 1
quest_532 = profilevalidstatus and 2
quest_064 = profilevalidstatus and 4
invalid_355 = profilevalidstatus and 8
invalid_532 = profilevalidstatus and 16
invalid_064 = profilevalidstatus and 32

if (quest_355 gt 0) then print,' 355 nm profile is questionable '
if (quest_532 gt 0) then print,' 532 nm profile is questionable '
if (quest_064 gt 0) then print,' 1064 nm profile is questionable '
if (invalid_355 gt 0) then print,' 355 nm profile is invalid '
if (invalid_532 gt 0) then print,' 532 nm profile is invalid '
if (invalid_064 gt 0) then print,' 1064 nm profile is invalid '


Reasons Why a Profile May be Flagged Invalid or Questionable

A profile is invalid if one or more of the following occur:

motor, wheel, or filter motion,
aperture wheel in closed position,
high voltage is disabled,
the number of saturated counts in a profile are greater than 460.

Check the following Level 1 parameters to determine reason for invalid profile:

motorinmotion - Motor [no motion/motion] flag, 0=no motion, 1=motion.
aperwheelstatus - Aperture wheel status flag, 0=closed, 1=large, 2=annular, 3=small, 4=in motion.
filterstatus355 - Filter status [out/in/in motion] flag. 0=out, 1=in, 2=in motion.
filterstatus532 - Filter status [out/in/in motion] flag. 0=out, 1=in, 2=in motion.
filterstatus064 - Filter status [out/in/in motion] flag. 0=out, 1=in, 2=in motion.
numbersatabovesurf355 - Number of saturated values above the surface.
numbersatabovesurf532 - Number of saturated values above the surface.
numbersatabovesurf064 - Number of saturated values above the surface.
highvoltage355enabled - High voltage [disabled/enabled] flag, 0=disabled, 1=enabled.
highvoltage532enabled - High voltage [disabled/enabled] flag, 0=disabled, 1=enabled.
highvoltage064enabled - High voltage [disabled/enabled] flag, 0=disabled, 1=enabled.

A profile is questionable if one or more of the following occur:

bad ISDB or AOE data,
boresight not aligned,
355 or 532 nm high voltage greater than -1000,
1064 nm high voltage greater than -399,
underflow occurred in baseline subtraction region,
underflow and/or overflow occurred above 40 km,
anomalous profile.

Check the following Level 1 parameters to determine reason for questionable profile:

isdbstatus - ISDB validity flag, 0=invalid, 1=valid.
badatastatus - Boresight assembly data status flag, 0=invalid, 1=valid.
aoedatastatus - Aft-optics data status flag, 0=invalid, 1=valid.
highvoltage355enabled - Measured high voltage value.
highvoltage532enabled - Measured high voltage value.
highvoltage064enabled - Measured high voltage value.
subregionunderflow355 - Underflow in baseline subtraction region flag, 0=no, 1=yes.
subregionunderflow532 - Underflow in baseline subtraction region flag, 0=no, 1=yes.
subregionunderflow064 - Underflow in baseline subtraction region flag, 0=no, 1=yes.
anomalousprof355 - Anomalous profile flag, 0=normal, 1=anomalous.
anomalousprof532 - Anomalous profile flag, 0=normal, 1=anomalous.
anomalousprof064 - Anomalous profile flag, 0=normal, 1=anomalous.
outofrng355abv40 - Overflow/underflow above 40 km flag, 0=none, 1=underflow, 2=overflow, 3=underflow and overflow.
outofrng532abv40 - Overflow/underflow above 40 km flag, 0=none, 1=underflow, 2=overflow, 3=underflow and overflow.
outofrng064abv40 - Overflow/underflow above 40 km flag, 0=none, 1=underflow, 2=overflow, 3=underflow and overflow.