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A database of NetCDF files, containing stereoscopic cloud top height retrievals showing the temporal evolution of the eruption cloud from the Hunga Volcano in Tonga. The data, using stereo pairs from the GOES-17 and Himawari-8 satellites at 10-minute intervals, extends from 0400 to 2350 UTC on 15 January 2022.

Publication Title:
Van Eaton, Alexa R., J. Lapierre, S. A. Behnke, C. Vagasky, C. J. Schultz, M. Pavolonia, K. Bedka, and K. Khlopenkov, 2023: Lightning rings and gravity waves: Insights into the giant eruption plume from Tonga's Hunga Volcano on 15 January 2022. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters

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Page Revision Date: 04/18/2023 Revision 2