GRIP Flight 05 -- Aerosol and Water Vapor Distributions

Information about LASE Aerosol and Water Vapor Images.

Flight 05 / Palmdale to Ft. Lauderdale / August 13, 2010

DC-8 flight track: | Flight Track |

Full flight LASE images

| Aerosol Scattering Ratio  |

| Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (log scale) | Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (linear scale) |

Subset Aerosol Scattering Ratio Images

| image01 | image02 | image03 | movie_loop_all |

Subset Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Images (g/kg)

(Log scale):| image01 | image02 | image03| movie_loop_all |

(Linear scale):| image01 | image02 | image03 | movie_loop_all |

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