Information Regarding LASE Images

LASE Validation Description

Major LASE Validation References


The horizontal display interval for the summary images representing the entire flight is dependent on the length of the flight.  A logarithmic color
scale is used for all aerosol and water vapor summary images.  The color scales for the higher horizontal resolution water vapor images are
logarithmic for the interleaved data of flights 9 and  10 and linear for the strong and weak lines on all other flights.


Resolution of the data are:


Vertical averaging interval
        Aerosol       60 meters
Water Vapor   510 meters (strong line)
330 meters (weak line)

Vertical display interval for averaged data
        Aerosol       60 meters (strong line and interleaved)
30 meters (weak line)
Water Vapor   60 meters (strong line and interleaved)
30 meters (weak line)


Horizontal averaging interval
        Aerosol       3.0 seconds, or approximately 600 meters
Water Vapor   60 seconds, or approximately 12 kilometers

Horizontal display interval for averaged data:
        Aerosol       6.0 seconds, or approximately 1200 meters
Water Vapor   6.0 seconds, or approximately 1200 meters

Times on the images are Universal Time (UT).

The GIF aerosol and ozone image dimensions are 1050 X 850 pixels in order to retain resolution. Your WWW browser/GIF viewer may handle the image in various ways. On displays of less than 1050 X 850 pixels the image may have to be scrolled or the image may get resized, losing some clarity of the fonts.

The airborne DIAL data images are to be used as a reference to the digital data located in the Langley Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The images (both aerosol and ozone) viewed on this WWW page are from a full resolution data set, whereas, the digital data archived at the DAAC are a sub-sampled data set (1 profile/minute). If full resolution digital data are required, please contact the Lidar Applications Group. Images are not to be published without permission from NASA.

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