Information Regarding SOLVE LASE Images

Major LASE References and Related LASE References.


The Aerosol Scattering Ratio(ASR) is defined as the the ratio of aerosol to molecular scattering.

The horizontal display interval of the full flight images depends on the length of the flight. Only one color scale is used for the water vapor images, and only one color scale is used for the aerosol images. The vertical scale factor is consistent between images, but the horizontal scale factor may change from one image to the next without any specific notation. The spacing of time ticks should be sufficient to indicate when this has occurred. Images of aerosol data are reported as Aerosol Scattering Ratios on a logarithmic scale. Water vapor data are reported as mixing ratios (g/kg) and number density (cm-3) on a logarithmic scale.

Resolution of LASE Image data are:


Vertical averaging interval
Aerosol          60 meters
Water Vapor      510 meters

Vertical display interval for averaged data
Aerosol(Nadir)   30 meters
Aerosol(Zenith)  60 meters
Water Vapor      30 meters


Normal Horizontal averaging interval
         Aerosol(Nadir)             6 (or 9) seconds, or approximately  1.4 (or 2.8) kilometers.
Aerosol(Nadir - Flt 24)    3 seconds, or approximately  0.7 kilometers.
Aerosol(Zenith)            120 (or 180) seconds, or approximately  28 (or 42) kilometers.
Aerosol(Zenith - Flt 24)   60 seconds, or approximately  14 kilometers.
Water Vapor                360 seconds, or approximately 84 kilometers.

Horizontal display interval for averaged data other than full flight images
         Aerosol          6 (or 9) seconds or approximately 1.4 (or 2.8) kilometers.
Water Vapor      6 (or 9) seconds or approximately 1.4 (or 2.8) kilometers

Times on the images are Universal Time (UT).

Go to NASA Ames SOLVE Mission Home Page A link leading to the SOLVE Home Page for additional data on SOLVE.

Go to European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit Home Page A link leading to the European Ozone Research Page for additional data on THESEO 2000.

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