SOLVE-II - UV DIAL Flight 11 -- Aerosol and Ozone Distributions

Information about SOLVE-II Aerosol and Ozone Images.

Flight 11 / Vortex Survey / Jan. 16, 2003

UV-DIAL Aerosol Scattering Ratio, Depolarization, Wavelength Dependence, and Ozone Images

Note1: Both nadir and zenith aerosols are combined and displayed in a single aerosol image, whereas, nadir and zenith ozone mixing ratio and number density are displayed in separate images.

Entire Flight Images (09:23 - 18:06 UT)

| Aerosol(IR) | Aerosol(VIS) | Aerosol Depolarization(VIS) (%) | Wavelength Dependence(IR/VIS) | Nadir Ozone Mixing Ratio (Scale: 0-100 ppbv) | Nadir Ozone Mixing Ratio-2 (Scale: 0-500 ppbv) | Nadir Ozone Number Density (Scale: 0-2.5 1012cm-3) | Zenith Ozone Mixing Ratio (Scale: 0-5 ppmv) | Zenith Ozone Mixing Ratio-2 (Scale: 0-15 ppmv) | Zenith Ozone Number Density (Scale: 0-7.5 1012cm-3) |

Subset Aerosol Images

IR(1064nm):| 09:23 - 11:08 | 11:08 - 12:54 | 12:54 - 14:39 | 14:39 - 16:24 | 16:25 - 18:07 | movie_loop_all |
VIS(612nm):| 09:23 - 11:08 | 11:08 - 12:54 | 12:54 - 14:39 | 14:39 - 16:24 | 16:25 - 18:07 | movie_loop_all |

Subset Depolarization Images (VIS)(%)

VIS(612nm):| 09:23 - 11:08 | 11:08 - 12:54 | 12:54 - 14:39 | 14:39 - 16:24 | 16:25 - 18:07 |

Subset Wavelength Dependence Images (IR/VS)

IR/VS :| 09:23 - 11:08 | 11:08 - 12:54 | 12:54 - 14:39 | 14:39 - 16:24 | 16:25 - 18:07 |

Subset Ozone Images

Nadir Mixing Ratio(ppmv) (Scale: 0-100ppbv)| 09:24 - 11:09 | 11:09 - 12:56 | 12:56 - 14:41 | 14:41 - 16:26 | 16:26 - 18:05 | movie_loop_all |
Zenith Mixing Ratio (Scale 0-5 ppmv): | 09:24 - 11:09 | 11:09 - 12:56 | 12:56 - 14:41 | 14:41 - 16:26 | 16:26 - 18:01 | movie_loop_all |
Nadir Number Density(Scale: 0-2.5 1012cm-3):| 09:24 - 11:09 | 11:09 - 12:56 | 12:56 - 14:41 | 14:41 - 16:26 | 16:26 - 18:05 |
Zenith Number Density(Scale: 0-7.5 1012cm-3):| 09:24 - 11:09 | 11:09 - 12:56 | 12:56 - 14:41 | 14:41 - 16:26 | 16:26 - 18:01 |

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