TC4 Flight 03

DIAL Aerosol and Ozone Distributions


Flight 03 / Test Flight #3 / July 2, 2007

DC8 flight track images (UT) | Entire Flight |


1. DIAL measures ozone densities, the molecular densities from the AFGL standard atmosphere tables have been used to calculate mixing ratios.

2. Rayleigh attenuation corrections and scattering ratio normalizations have used molecular densities from the AFGL standard atmosphere tables.

DIAL full flight images (19:10 - 22:40 UT)

| Aerosol Scattering Ratio (IR) | Aerosol Scattering Ratio (VIS) | Total Depolarization % (VIS) | Ozone Mixing Ratio |

Subset aerosol scattering ratio images

IR(1064nm): | image1 | image2 | image3 | image4 | image5 | image6 | image7 | image8 | movie_loop_all |

VIS(591nm): | image1 | image2 | image3 | image4 | image5 | image6 | image7 | image8 | movie_loop_all |

Subset total depolarization images (%)

VIS(591nm): | image1| image2 | image3 | image4 | image5 | image6 | image7 | image8 |

Subset ozone mixing ratio images (ppbv)

O3 :| image1 | image2 | image3 | image4 | image5 | image6 | image7 | image8 | movie_loop_all |

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