TC4 Flight 12
DIAL Aerosol and Ozone Distributions
Flight 12 / B57 Rendezvous, Cirrus Shield,
CLOUDSAT & CALIPSO / August 3, 2007
DC8 flight track images
(UT) | Entire Flight |
1. DIAL measures ozone densities, the molecular
densities from the AFGL standard atmosphere tables have been used to calculate
mixing ratios.
2. The DIAL ozone images contain insitu ozone from
the FASTOZ instrument (PI: Melody Avery) at DC-8 flight altitudes.
3. Scattering ratio normalizations have used
molecular densities from the AFGL standard atmosphere tables.
DIAL full flight images
(13:01 - 19:22 UT)
Subset aerosol scattering
ratio images
Subset aerosol wavelength dependence images
Subset ozone mixing ratio
images (ppbv)
to TC4 Project Home Page for additional information.
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