TC4 Flight 12

LASE Aerosol and Water Vapor Distributions

Flight 12 / Cirrus, WB57 Rendezvous, Calipso/Cloudsat Underpass / July 31, 2007

DC-8 flight track images | Entire Flight |

LASE full flight images (13:01 - 18:55 UT)

| Aerosol | Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (Log Scale) | Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (Linear Scale) |

Subset aerosol images

| 13:01 - 15:04 | 15:04 - 16:56 | 16:56 - 18:54 | 18:54 - 19:21 | loop |

Subset water vapor mixing ratio images (g/kg)

H2O (Log Scale):     | 13:01 - 15:04 | 15:04 - 16:56 | 16:56 - 18:54 | 18:54 - 19:21 | loop |

H2O (Linear Scale): | 13:01 - 15:04 | 15:04 - 16:56 | 16:56 - 18:54 | 18:54 - 19:21 | loop |

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