Information Regarding TOPSE UV DIAL Images


The horizontal display interval of the full flight images depends on the length of the flight. The horizontal display interval on the other images is 4 seconds. Both nadir and zenith data are imaged together. In the aerosol images, a black trace appears at the aircraft altitude. In the ozone images, in situ ozone measurements appear at the aircraft altitude. Only one color scale is used for the ozone images, except for the full flight images that are available in two color scales. Only one color scale is used for the aerosol images. The vertical scale factor is consistent between images. Aerosol data are reported as Atmospheric Scattering Ratios on a logarithmic scale. Ozone data are reported as mixing ratios (ppbv) on a linear scale.

Resolution of UV DIAL Image data are:


Vertical averaging interval
          Aerosol     30 meters
Ozone      300 meters (unless specifically stated as 100 meters in the nadir direction)

Vertical display interval for averaged data
          Aerosol    30 meters
Ozone      30 meters


Horizontal averaging interval
          Aerosol    30.0 seconds, or approximately 3.75 kilometers.
Ozone      300 seconds, or approximately 37.5 kilometers.

Horizontal display interval for averaged data other than full flight images
          Aerosol    4 seconds or approximately 0.5 kilometers
Ozone      4 seconds or approximately 0.5 kilometers

Times on the images are Universal Time (UT).

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