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+ frontiers-paper-ver-01.tar.gz 42648 2022-01-05 19:07pm
+ OceanLUT_Coated_0.85_30_650_123_100001_V_P11Only.mat 3491820006 2022-07-07 17:47pm
+ OceanLUT_Coated_0.85_30_650_123_100001_V_0.0000001_P11Only.mat 3491836791 2022-07-25 21:34pm
+ OceanLUT_Coated_0.85_100_650_123_100001_V_0.0000001_Imag0.3_scatnlay_P11Only.mat 4711758372 2023-06-05 01:08am
+ OceanLUT_Coated_0.85_100_650_123_100001_V_0.0000001_Imag0.3_scatnlay.md5 107 2023-06-07 17:37pm
+ OceanLUT_Coated_0.85_100_650_123_100001_V_0.0000001_Imag0.3_scatnlay.dat 16440579544 2023-02-21 16:26pm
+ OceanLUT_100_100_0.250_2000bins_750CRI.mat.md5 77 2021-05-21 17:46pm
+ OceanLUT_100_100_0.250_2000bins_750CRI.mat 3258705358 2021-11-18 19:28pm
+ OceanLUT_100_100_0.250_2000bins_750CRI.dat.md5 77 2021-05-21 17:46pm
+ OceanLUT_100_100_0.250_2000bins_750CRI.dat 2964014732 2020-10-24 12:41pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_700bins_1400CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.mat.md5 90 2022-08-03 18:03pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_700bins_1400CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.mat 3504833721 2022-08-01 20:58pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_700bins_1400CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.dat.md5 90 2022-08-03 17:10pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_700bins_1400CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.dat 3190895156 2022-07-11 17:33pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_10000bins_100CRI.mat.md5 85 2022-01-12 14:45pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_10000bins_100CRI.mat 3538940533 2022-01-12 14:45pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_10000bins_100CRI.dat.md5 85 2022-01-12 14:41pm
+ CloudLUT_100_100_0.350_10000bins_100CRI.dat 3256082608 2022-01-12 14:41pm
+ AerosolLUT_1000_100_0.355_650bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey_lidar.dat.md5 107 2021-07-07 15:35pm
+ AerosolLUT_1000_100_0.355_650bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey_lidar.dat 18157136 2021-07-07 15:35pm
+ AerosolLUT_1000_100_0.355_650bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.mat.md5 101 2021-07-07 15:35pm
+ AerosolLUT_1000_100_0.355_650bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.mat 3286395719 2021-07-07 15:35pm
+ AerosolLUT_1000_100_0.355_650bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.dat.md5 101 2021-07-07 15:35pm
+ AerosolLUT_1000_100_0.355_650bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.dat 2986252136 2021-07-07 15:35pm
+ AerosolLUT_10000_100_0.355_150bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.dat.md5 102 2022-01-12 07:17am
+ AerosolLUT_10000_100_0.355_150bins_2325CRI_ln2rKr_Twomey.dat 689150136 2022-01-12 07:17am


Large area view.

Latitude: 37.1038
Longitude: -76.3872
Elevation: 3 m Above sea level

Scenes: urban, marsh, bay, river and farm.


  • The inner red circle is a 20km CERES foot print centered on the BSRN-LRC site.
  • The pink circle represents a possible tangential 20km foot print.
  • The middle red circle represents the area in which a 20km foot print could fall and still see the site.
  • Yellow is a sample 40 deg off nadir foot print.
  • The outer red circle is the region which would be seen by a possible 40 deg off nadir foot print.
The BSRN-LRC sun tracker at the NASA Langley Research Center on a snowy day (02/20/2015) The BSRN-LRC sun tracker at the NASA Langley Research Center on a snowy day (02/20/2015)

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