Information Regarding INTEX-B DIAL Data Archive

Information Regarding INTEX-B Image Resolutions . (DIAL subsampled profile data contained in the images are available from the INTEX-B Achive)

Link to INTEX-B Data Archive Data Center. (Restricted Access)

Link to Earth Science Project Office (ESPO) Project Archives for other mission related information and data.

INTEX-B DIAL Data Archive

INTEX-B DIAL profile data (subsampled profiles) are archived at the NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Integrated Data Center, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA. Averaging of the INTEX-B archive data are the same as specified in the resolution of the INTEX-B images. (See links above for INTEX-B image resolution and data archive).

Subsampled UV DIAL Archived Profile DATA:

Ozone                     1 minute horizontal and 75 meters vertical
Aerosol Products          30 seconds horizontal and 75 meters vertical

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