Flight 23 -- Aerosol and Water Vapor Distributions
Information about SOLVE LASE Aerosol and Water Vapor Images.
Flight 23 / Transit: Dryden -- Kiruna #3 / Feb. 27-28, 2000
LASE Aerosol Scattering Ratio and Water Vapor Images
Entire Flight Images (21:40:43 - 06:33:01 UT)
Nadir Aerosol
| Zenith Aerosol
| Nadir Water Vapor Mixing Ratio
| Nadir Water Vapor Number Density |
Subset Aerosol Images
21:40:23 - 00:01:21
| 00:01:30 - 02:28:31
| 02:28:40 - 06:02:59
| 06:03:08 - 06:33:01
| movie_loop_all |
02:28:40 - 06:02:59
| 06:03:08 - 06:33:01
| movie_loop_all |
Subset Water Vapor Images
Nadir Mixing Ratio(g/kg):|
21:40:23 - 00:01:21
| 00:01:30 - 02:28:31
| 02:28:40 - 06:02:59
| 06:03:08 - 06:33:01
| movie_loop_all |
Nadir Number Density(cm-3):|
21:40:23 - 00:01:21
| 00:01:30 - 02:28:31
| 02:28:40 - 06:02:59
| 06:03:08 - 06:33:01 |
Go to NASA Ames SOLVE Mission Home Page for additional data on SOLVE.
Go to European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit Home Page for additional data on THESEO 2000.
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