SOLVE - LASE Flight 30 -- Aerosol and Water Vapor Distributions

Major LASE Related References

Information about SOLVE LASE Aerosol and Water Vapor Images.

Flight 30 / Transit: Kiruna to Dryden #3 / Mar. 15, 2000

LASE Aerosol Scattering Ratio and Water Vapor Images

Entire Flight Images (06:07:24 - 17:13:31 UT)

| Nadir Aerosol | Zenith Aerosol | Nadir Water Vapor Mixing Ratio | Nadir Water Vapor Number Density |

Subset Aerosol Images

Nadir:| 06:07:24 - 07:59:48 | 07:59:57 - 09:53:52 | 09:54:01 - 11:46:24 | 11:46:33 - 13:38:55 | 13:39:04 - 17:13:31 | movie_loop_all |
Zenith:| 06:07:24 - 07:59:48 | 07:59:57 - 09:53:52 | 09:54:01 - 11:46:24 | movie_loop_all |

Subset Water Vapor Images

Nadir Mixing Ratio(g/kg):| 06:07:24 - 07:59:48 | 07:59:57 - 09:53:52 | 09:54:01 - 11:46:24 | 11:46:33 - 13:38:55 | 13:39:04 - 17:13:31 | movie_loop_all |
Nadir Number Density(cm-3):| 06:07:24 - 07:59:48 | 07:59:57 - 09:53:52 | 09:54:01 - 11:46:24 | 11:46:33 - 13:38:55 | 13:39:04 - 17:13:31 |

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