NASA LaRC GOES Satellite Imagery File Naming Convention: GOES East Imagery: G13.YYYYDDD.HHMM.##KM.C##.GIF where, G13 = GOES-13 Satellite YYYY = Year DDD = Julian Day HH = Hours (UTC) MM = Minutes (UTC) ##KM = Pixel Size (kilometers) C## = Channel Number: C01 = Ch. 1, 0.63 um band C03 = Ch. 3, 6.5 um band C04 = Ch. 4, 10.7 um band C2-4 = Difference between 3.9 and 10.7 um bands (Ch.2-4) C4C = Ch. 4, 10.7 um band in color C4RC = Ch. 4, 10.7 um band in RGB color GIF = Graphics Interchange Format file extension (or alternatively .KML for Google Earth) GOES-13 Cloud Products: G13.NAAMES.YYYYDDD.HHMM.##KM.VALUE.GIF where, G13 = GOES-13 Satellite YYYY = Year DDD = Julian Day HH = Hours (UTC) MM = Minutes (UTC) ##KM = Pixel Size (kilometers) VALUE = Cloud Product Name: DEFF = Effective Ice Diameter IWP = Ice Water Path LWP = Liquid Water Path PHAS = Cloud Phase REFF = Effective Water Radius RGB = False Color Image (see image caption) TAU = Optical Depth TEFF = Effective Cloud Temperature ZBOT = Cloud-Base Height ZEFF = Effective Cloud Height ZTOP = Cloud-Top Height GIF = Graphics Interchange Format file extension (or alternatively .KML for Google Earth) Satellite images courtesy of P. Minnis: http://satcorps.larc.nasa.gov/