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General Parameters

These parameters are further subdivided into categories that describe their use.
Identification Parameters Time Parameters Location Parameters Operation Mode Parameters
Validity Parameters Scene Parameters NMC Meteorological Parameters Instrument Status Parameters

Identification Parameters contain information to help organize the lidar profiles. The first parameter is used to check data extraction accuracy and the remaining parameters define the version numbers of the Level 1 data, the data take ID (A-X), the orbit number, and the lidar profile ID number. ( syncvalue, majorversionnumber, minorversionnumber, datatakeid, orbitnumber, idnumber )

Time Parameters contain the Greenwich Time (GMT) and Mission Elapsed Time (MET). The launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery for the STS-64 mission occurred on September 9, 1996, at 22:22:54.947 GMT. MET = GMT - launch time. ( gmtday, gmthour, gmtmin, gmtsec, gmthund, metday, methour, metmin, metsec, methund )

Location Parameters contain the geodetic latitude and longitude of the LITE footprint, Space Shuttle altitude, off-nadir angle, and the digitizer-on delay range gate.

Reference the section Locating the Space Shuttle to Earth Coordinates that is contained in the LITE Measurement Geometry page to find the description of how the latitude, longitude, Space Shuttle altitude, and off-nadir angle were computed using the Postflight Attitude and Trajectory History (PATH) data.

The Range Calculation Document describes how the Space Shuttle altitude, off-nadir angle, and Level 1 altitude grid are used to determine the range of the lidar. ( latitude, longitude, shuttlealtitude, offnadirangle, digitizerondelay )

Operation Mode Parameters identify datatake mode (day or night) and type of operational mode (normal, multiscatter, gain change, or in transition). ( datatakemode, specialopsmode )

The Validity Parameter identifies each profile as being valid, questionable, or invalid. This parameter must be checked for each 355 nm, 532 nm, and 1064 nm profile. Refer to the Profile Validity Document for instructions to unpack this parameter. ( profilevalidstatus )

Scene Parameters identify whether the LITE measurement is over land or water and the approximate surface elevation. ( landwaterflag, surfelevfootprint )

NMC Meteorological Parameters contain the following NMC meteorological data: the altitudes that correspond to the 18 standard pressure levels, the temperatures at the 18 standard pressure levels, the tropopause height, and the tropopause temperature. ( metdataalts, mettemps, alttropopause, temptropopause )

Instrument Status Parameters contain information about the status of the instrument. They indicate

Invalid Status Notes:

An invalid status for the ISDB will result if any of the ISBD parameters were out of range in the raw telemetry data or if the ISDB data were repeated from a previous time. Invalid ISDB status does not indicate if lidar profiles are valid or invalid.

An invalid status for aft-optics data will result if the aft-optics data were not updated. Invalid aft-optics does not indicate if lidar profiles are valid or invalid.

Motor motion will always be true when the aperture wheel or filters are in motion and indicates that lidar profiles may be invalid.

Aperture wheel motion will cause the lidar profiles for all three channels to be flagged invalid. Filter motion is defined separately for each channel and will only cause the same channel lidar profile to be flagged invalid. ( laserselected, baalignmentstatus, isdbstatus, badatastatus, aoedatastatus, motorinmotion, aperwheelstatus, backgroundmongain )