The LARGE Instrument Suite
Aerosol Concentrations:
- Ultrafine, Total and Nonvolatile number densities
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) number as function of saturation
Aerosol Size:
- Mobility, optical and aerodynamic sizing instruments
- Size range from 0.003 to 20 µm diameters
Optical Properties:
- Multi-wavelength Scattering, Absorption and Extinction Coefficients
- Water soluble brown-carbon absorption
- Single Scattering Albedo
- Angstrom Exponents
- Scattering and Extinction Hygroscopicity (f(RH))
Aerosol Composition:
- Size-dependent, Nonrefractory composition (HR-ToF-AMS)
- Water-soluble anions and cations (PILS-IC)
- Water-soluble organics (PILS-TOC)
- Black Carbon (SP2)
Cloud Properties:
- Cloud particle size (wing-mounted probes)
- Liquid and total cloud water content
- Particle images and depolarization (wing probes)
Combustion Tracers:
- CO, CO2, NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, THC, H2O
- 3-D Winds, dew point, lightning, H2O’, T’, U’V’W’, CO2’, CN’