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Atmospheric Research


Why does LARGE do atmospheric research?

LARGE aims to contribute directly to NASA and the Langley Science Directorate goals of translating atmospheric discovery into better solutions to protect the Earth and its people. This is accomplished through investments in people and infrastructure, technology development, and stewardship/dissemination of high-quality data during scientific missions like DISCOVER-AQ and SEAC4RS.

What does atmospheric research entail?

  1. Laboratory development and characterization of state-of-the-art instrumentation for measuring properties and concentrations of trace gases and aerosols
  2. Conducting experiments in controlled (laboratory) settings to identify and quantify important atmospheric processes.
  3. Making systematic measurements of atmospheric constituents in the ambient atmosphere from ground-based, automobile, ship, and aircraft platforms to better understand the dynamics, spatial extent, and frequency of these atmospheric phenomena.
  4. Applying mathematical treatments of atmospheric processes to simulate local, regional, and global atmospheres in order to understand the past, present, and future conditions.
  5. Communication of important results to the public in order to improve future policy decisions regarding air quality, public health, and climate.

aerial view of a hurricane
aerial view of fires