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LITE Publications

To obtain a copy of a publication, please contact the author(s).

Journal Publications

Berthier, S., Chazette, P.,Couvert, P.,Pelon, J.,Dulac, F.,Thieuleux, F.,Moulin, C., and Pain, T., Desert dust aerosol columnar properties over ocean and continental Africa from Lidar in-Space Technology Experiment (LITE) and Meteosat synergy, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. D21, D21202, doi:10.1029/2005JD006999, Nov. 2006.

Omar, A. H. and C.S. Gardner, Observations by the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) of high altitude clouds over the Equator in regions exhibiting extremely cold temperatures, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 106, No. D1, 1227, 2001.

Winker, D. M., and Trepte, C. R., Laminar cirrus observed near the tropical tropopause by LITE, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 3351-3354, Sep. 1998.

Kent, G. S., Trepte, C. R., Skeens, K. M., and Winker, D. M., LITE and SAGE II measurements of aerosols in the southern hemisphere upper troposphere, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 19,111-19,127, Aug. 1998.

Menzies, R. T., Tratt, D. M., and Hunt, W. H., Lidar In-space Technology Experiment measurements of sea surface directional reflectance and the link to surface wind speed, Appl. Optics, 37, n24, 5550-5559, Aug. 1998.

Cuomo, V., Di Girolamo, P., Pappalardo, G., et al., Lidar In-space Technology Experiment correlative measurements by lidar in Potenza, southern Italy, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 11455-11464, May 1998.

Osborn, M. T., Kent, G. S., and Trepte, C. R., Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements by the Lidar in Space Technology Experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 11,447-11,453, May 1998.

Gu, Y. Y. Y., Gardner, C. S., Castelberg, P. A., et al., Validation of the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment: Stratospheric temperature and aerosol measurements, Appl. Optics, 36, 5148-5157, July 1997.

Cuomo, V., Di Girolamo, P., Esposito, F., et al., The LITE correlative measurements campaign in southern Italy: Preliminary results, Appl. Phys. B-Lasers O 64, 553-559, May 1997.

Strawbridge, K., and Hoff, R. M., LITE validation experiment along California's coast: preliminary results, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1, 73-76, Jan. 1996.

Winker, D. M., Couch, R. H., and McCormick, M. P., An overview of LITE: NASA's Lidar In-space Technology Experiment, Proc. IEEE, 84, 2, 164-180, Feb. 1996.

McCormick, M. P., Spaceborne lidars, The Review of Laser Engineering (Japan), 23, 2, 89-93, Feb. 1995.

Winker, D. M., and Poole, L. R., Monte Carlo calculations of cloud returns for ground-based and space-based lidars, Appl. Phys., B, 60, 341-344, 1995.

Oconnor, L., Shedding LITE on global climate - The Space Shuttle Discovery carried a lidar-based sensing system that measured cloud formation and atmospheric conditions and transmitted the data to ground sites in 20 countries, Mech. Eng, 117, 4, 77-79, April 1995.

McCormick, M. P., Winker, D. M., Browell, E. V., Coakley, J. A., Gardner, C. S., Hoff, R. M., Kent, G. S., Melfi, S. H., Menzies, R. T., Platt, C. M. R., Randall, D. A., and Reagan, J. A., Scientific investigations planned for the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE), Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 74, 2, 205-214, Feb. 1993.

Couch, R. H., Rowland, C. W., Ellis, K. S., Blythe, M. P., Regan, C. R., Koch, M. R., Antill, C. W., Kitchen, W. L., Cox, J. W., DeLorme, J. F., Crockett, S. K., Remus, R. W., Casas, J. C., and Hunt, W. H., Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE): NASA's first in-space lidar system for atmospheric research, Opt. Eng., 30, 88-95, 1991.

Reagan, J. A., and Zielinskie, D. A., Spaceborne lidar remote sensing techniques aided by surface returns, Optical Engineering, 30, 96-102, 1991.

Conference Proceedings

19th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Annapolis, MD 1998

ILRC 19th International Laser Radar Conference, Singh, U., and Ismail, S. eds., Schwemmer, G. K., NASA/CP-1998-207671/PT1 pages (1-552) /PT2 (pages 553-986), 1998.

Hoff, R. M., Vandermeer, A., Spacek, L., Blanchet, J. P., Ro, C., Vet, R., Liu, P., Gong, S. -L., and Barrie, L. A., Intercomparison of LITE tropospheric aerosol retrievals with a regional aerosol climate model, 959-962.

Karyampudi, V. M., Palm, S., Reagan, J., Grant, W. B., Pierce, H., Browell, E. V., and Melfi, S. H., Validation of Saharan dust layer characterstics with lidar observations, 685-690.

Omar, A. H., and Gardner, C. S., Observations of high altitude clouds over the equator in regions exhibiting extremely cold temperatures, 253-256.

Osborn, M. T., Calibration of LITE data, 245-247.

Powell, K. A., and Winker, D. M., LITE data processing, 249-951.

Winker, D. M., Cloud distribution statistics from LITE, 955-958.

Young, S. A., and Osborn, M. T., Comparisons of LITE observations with ground-based lidar and SAGE II profiles over SE Australia, 963-966.

18th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Berlin, Germany 1996

Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar, A. Ansmann, R. Neuber, P. Rairoux, and U. Wandinger, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1997.

Grant, W. B., Browell, E. V., Butler, C. F., and Nowicki, G. D., LITE measurements of biomass burning aerosols and comparisons with correlative airborne lidar measurements of multiple scattering in the planetary boundary layer, 153-156.

Hoff, R. M., and Strawbridge, K. B., LITE observations of anthropogenically produced aerosols, 145-148.

Kent, G. S., Osborn, M. T., Trepte, C. R., and Skeens, K. M., LITE measurements of aerosols in the stratosphere and upper troposphere, 157-160.

Lammeren, A. van, and Feijt, A., The emissivity of cirrus clouds derived from LITE and meteosat measurements, 201-204.

McCormick, M. P., The flight of the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE), 141-144.

Morandi, M., Stefanutti, L., Matthews, A., Liley, B., Balestri, S., Castagnoli, F., Del Guasta, M., Santacesaria, V., and Wolf, J. P., ESA-LITE: IROE contribution to ground based LIDAR and LITE correlative measurements, 169-172.

Pappalardo, G., Cuomo, V., Spinelli, N., Di Girolamo, P., Berardi, V., and Bruzzese, R., Southern Italy correlative lidar measurements for LITE, 173-176.

Reagan, J. A., Liu, H., Cooley, T. W., LITE surface returns: assessment and applications, 177-180.

Powell, K. A., Trepte, C. R., Kent, G. S., Observations of Saharan dust by LITE, 149-152.

Renger, W., Kiemle, H. -G., Schreiber, M. W., and Moerl, P., Correlative measurements in support of LITE using the airborne backscatter LIDAR ALEX, 165-168.

Schwemmer, G., Palm, S. P., Melfi, S. H., Evans, K. D., Retrieval of atmospheric boundary layer parameters from LITE and LASAL, 161-164.

Strawbridge, K. B. Hoff, R. M., Strapp, J. W., Leaitch, W. R., and Winker, D. M., Airborne and Spaceborne Measurements of Aerosol and Cloud 145-148.

Davis, A., Winker, D., Marshak, A., Cahalan, R., Spinhirne, J., Love, S., Melfi, H., and Wiscombe, W., Retrieval of physical and optical cloud thickness from space-borne and wide-angle imaging lidar, 193-196.

Winker, D. M., Simulation and modelling of multiple scattering effects observed in LITE data, 185-188.

Other Conference Proceedings

Platt, C. M. R., Winker, D. M., Vaughan, M. A., and Hunt, W. H., Retrieval of optical and microphysical properties of clouds from space-based lidar data, SPIE First Asia-Pacific Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Environment, and Space. Held in Beijing, China, Sept. 14-17, 1998.

Reagan, J. A., and H. Liu, LITE Aerosol Retrievals, Proceedings of the v997 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 97CH36042, vol. 4, 1749-1752, 1997.

Stevermer, A. J., Coakley, J. A., and Winker, D. M., Identification of layered cloud systems from satellite imagery and LITE, Proceedings of the 9th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 418-421, 1997.

D. M. Winker, Application of space lidar to the remote sensing of clouds and aerosols. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 97CH36042, vol. 4, 1740-1742, 1997.

Winker, D. M., LITE: Results, performance, characteristics, and data archive, in Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques, U. Schreiber, C. Werner, Eds. (European Symposium on Aerospace Remote Sensing, London, UK, 22-26 Sept 1997), Proceedings of SPIE vol. 3218, 186-193, 1997.

Winker, D. M., Observations of the vertical distribution of cloud using space lidar, Proceedings of the 9th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 422-425, 1997.

Winker, D. M., and J. A. Coakley, Space Lidar Observations of Cloud Distribution and Intercomparison with GOES-7 Retrievals, IRS '96: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, W. L. Smith, K. Stamnes, eds. (Proceedings of the 1996 International Radiation Symposium, Fairbanks, AK, 19-24 August, 1996) (A. Deepak Pub., Hampton VA, 1997), 687-690, 1997.

Platt, C. M. R., Winker, D. M., and Vaughan, M. A., Results from LITE: Lidar backscatter characteristics of tropical mesoscale cloud systems, IRS '96: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, W. L. Smith, K. Stamnes, eds. (A. Deepak Pub., Hampton VA, 1997), (Proceedings of the 1996 International Radiation Symposium, Fairbanks, AK, 19-24 August, 1996), 687-690, 1997.

Cooley, T. W., Qi, J., and Reagan, J. A., Investigation of LITE spectral surface returns for a new vegetation index which is insensitive to solar measurement geometry and has synoptic atmospheric data, Proc. IGARSS '95 Symposium, IEEE Publication 95CH35770, 2230-2232, July 1995.

Cooley, T. W., and Reagan, J. A., Calibration of 1064 nm channel of LITE using playa surface returns, Proc. IGARSS '95 Symposium, IEEE Publication 95CH35770, 2326-2328, July 1995.

Platt, C. M. R., and Winker, D. M., Multiple scattering effects in clouds observed from LITE, "Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems", Anton Kohnle, editor, Proc. SPIE, 2580, 60-71, 1995.

Platt, C. M. R., and Winker, D. M., Vertical distribution and optical depths of clouds from LITE observations, Lidar Techniques for Remote Sensing, Proc. SPIE, 2310, 106-115, Sept. 1994.