Homepage: https://www.espo.nasa.gov/tc4/
INTEX-B was conducted during a 10-week period from March 1 to May 15, 2006.
The first phase of the study was performed during March and focused on Mexico City pollution outflow,
while the second phase was performed during April and May and focused on Asian pollution outflow.
Its main goals are to 1) quantify the transpacific transport and evolution of Asian pollution
to North America and assess its implications for regional air quality and climate;
2) quantify the outflow and evolution of gases and aerosols from the Mexico City Megaplex;
3) investigate the transport of Asian and North America pollution to the eastern Atlantic
and assess its implications for European air quality; 4) validate and refine satellite
observations of tropospheric composition; and 5) map emissions of trace gases and aerosols
and relate atmospheric composition to sources and sinks.
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