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TC4 Program Logo Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4)


Platform/Location/Time: DC-8/ Costa Rica/ July - August 2007

Overall Goal:
The NASA TC4 (Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling) mission investigated the structure, properties and processes in the tropical Eastern Pacific. TC4 aircraft provided observations to validate satellite data and to provide critical observations not available from the satellites.

What we studied:
We provided measurements of aerosol size, shape, phase, number density and composition to examine the origins and characteristics of atmospheric aerosols in the tropics and the response of tropical cirrus to anthropogenic aerosols.

LARGE Publications associated with TC4:
Carn, S. A., K. Froyd, B. E. Anderson, P. Wennberg, J. D. Crounse, K. Spencer,
J. Dibb, N. Krotkov, E. Browell, J. W. Hair, G. S. Diskin, G. Sachse, and S. A. Vay, (2011),
In situ measurements of tropospheric volcanic plumes in Ecuador and Colombia during TC4,
J. Geophys. Res., 116, D00J24, doi:10.1029/2010JD014718

Thornberry, T., K. Froyd, D. Murphy, D. S. Thomson, B. E. Anderson, K. L. Thornhill,
and E. L. Winstead (2010), Persistence of organic carbon in heated aerosol residuals
measured during Tropical Composition Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4), (2010),
J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00J02, doi:10.1029/2009JD012721.

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Blue Morpho (Morpho peleides) Butterfly in Costa Rica    TC4 Enclosure in Costa Rica    DC-8 on TC4 mission in Costa Rica    Eddie Winstead participating in TC4 Mission in Costa Rica