Project: NAAMES
Full Name: North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study
Homepage: http://naames.larc.nasa.gov/
4 campaigns starting in November 2015 on the NASA C-130 in coordination with a research vessel
Overall Goal:
NAAMES is a five year investigation to resolve key processes controlling ocean system function, their influences on atmospheric aerosols and clouds and their implications for climate.
What we are studying:
LARGE is measuring aerosol and cloud properties on both the plane and ship. This will allow for a determination of emissions of aerosols from the ocean, secondary aerosol formation and their interaction with marine clouds.
Some Cool Pics:
The NASA C-130 leaving for St. John's, Canada where it will be based for NAAMES.
The R/V Atlantis which will make a North-to-South transect in the North Atlantic.